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SSO Account Safety

One of the most common things I hear in the community is the phrase "I got hacked". Even if you have never lost your account yourself, the chances are you know someone who did. So I thought I'd share a true story with you guys, it didn't happen on Star Stable but the cause was similar. So a long time ago I had a friend who I shall call Sam for the purpose of this story along with changing any personal information that might identify them. So Sam was in a competitive online team with me for a long time, one day they tried to login to their account and nothing worked, they asked me to look at their account profile, I could see many things had gone missing, I was able to see some had been transferred off Sam's account. So I asked Sam had they shared their account password with anyone. No they replied, so I said well what had the password been? They replied that it had been their horses name and their age. So I then said have you been talking to anyone about these things, and they said: "Yes, I have a player messaged me a few days ago asking me all kinds of things about myself". So I looked up this player, and this very player was transferring Sam's account items to their own account and had taken control of their email account because it had the same password. Sam was able to get the account back with the help of the game staff but much of what they lost was never recovered. The moral of this story is don't ever share your password with anyone even if you do so unknowingly, you should never use passwords even a friend could guess, when you use personal information or the same password for different accounts you run serious risk of account theft or your personal information. Once you have shared it, it's out there forever and you need to protect yourself online. Please don't use the term hacking, because it is not the same as this, hacking is completely different and much more complex. But in general don't share your account details with ANYONE, not your best friend, not a random stranger, never ever enter competitions which ask for your personal information or use those "Star Coin" hacks or challenges because I so often get messages from players who had their account details stolen this way. Be safe and remember there is no such thing as "free" star coins unless the SSO team shares a redeem code on their official online social media, and game staff will NEVER EVER ask for your password because game staff do not need your password to assess your account, so never be fooled by "oh I work at Star Stable so I need your password" because this is a lie. Report anyone that impersonates game staff to the SSO team.

Do not endanger yourself online.


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