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Meet TotalCretin!

Updated: Jun 29, 2018

Hello there, I’m Drahoslava Dragoncake or you may know me as TotalCretin. I will be writing an article on the first Friday of every month for Jorvnal. My home server is the second UK server, Unicorn Forest. I started my game there in October 2015, unsure of what to expect of Star Stable or even if I would still be playing it in a weeks’ time.

I quickly became absorbed in the game, spending hours each day doing quests and races, with my reliable steed Dangercake. I remember the first time I saw a grey Morgan in game, I had to get one it was just so beautiful! This was how I bought my first horse in game. I collected together the 790 star coins I would need to buy this fine horse in Firgrove Village and this was how I obtained my little Morgan mare Ditzy.

Many horses have followed since I bought Ditzy and I expect more will grace my stables in the future. I’m often asked what my favourite horse and it is quite a difficult question, made even more difficult with the arrival of new breeds and colours.

In 2016, I was obsessed with the English Thoroughbreds, or as I called them “the wiggles” due to the wiggling of their hind quarters when they gallop. This was the first time I bought more than one of a single breed, I ended up with three. Dean my chestnut, Ghost my cremello and Derek my dapple grey all from Crescent Moon Village.

In 2017, I was immediately drawn to the black Hanoverian in Silverglade Equestrian Centre, tall and athletic with a very funny forelock I found it endearing and this was how I got Joestar.

As 2018 begins, I wonder what new breeds we will have in store and which will take pride of place within my stable walls.


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